At The Purse Affair, we understand the importance of trust. Shopping for preloved luxury items isn't easy. The reselling industry is plagued by sellers of counterfeit luxury handbags, so it is essential that our experts are skilled in the art of authentication.
We stand by our authenticators and the authenticity of each item we sell by offering a Lifetime Return Policy if any item we sell is found to be non-authentic. After all, we totally understand selling preloved items are all about earning customers' trust.
We've partnered with the best in the business to ensure we continue to provide you with authentic luxury items. Let us worry about the authenticity, you just worry about which bag to choose from!
We've partnered with Entrupy to provide you with cutting edge technology that uses a microscopic camera to take 260x magnified surface pictures, providing rich visual data for the software to process and analyze. Using advanced computer vision and deep convolutional neural networks, the results are compared against a database of millions of images. Authentication accuracy is near perfect, learning and improving from each additional scan.
Entrupy are so confident with their authentications, they back each authentication with a money back guarantee should the item scanned turn out to be a replica.
The Real Authentication team has collaboratively assessed over a half million preowned designer goods and possess both hands-on and virtual authentication, identification and appraisal experience.
To ensure the highest level of authentication expertise, each and every item submitted for review is assessed by a minimum of 2 experts from the Real Authentication team and backed up with comparison evidence of authenticity to alleviate any doubt.
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